30 Quotes and Sayings About Loving Someone Who Doesn't Love You Back

Love by Ankita

There is nothing more painful in life than unrequited love. It makes you feel lonely and undesirable. You might even question your worth. These "loving someone who doesn't love you back" quotes show us that unrequited love is extremely painful but it can also help us grow. It can teach us a lot of important lessons and help us evolve into better human beings.

Here is our selection of quotes on loving someone who doesn't love you.

  • 1

    True love is unconditional and remains even when unreciprocated.

  • 2

    Love, even unreciprocated, is worth it.

  • 3

    It's not that bad to love someone who doesn't love you back.

  • 4

    It's painful to love someone who doesn't love you back.

  • 5

    It's very tough to deal with unrequited love.

  • 6

    It's painful when the person you love doesn't value you.

  • 7

    You can't force someone to realize how amazing you are.

  • 8

    There is something creepy and neurotic about unrequited love.

  • 9

    Men enjoy the thrill of chasing women, but once they get them, they lose interest.

  • 10

    Love is a non-refundable emotion.

  • 11

    Don't give yourself away for someone who doesn't love you as much.

  • 12

    The best remedy for unrequited love is to find someone new or give distance.

  • 13

    You can't force someone to fall in love with you.

  • 14

    Unrequited love is unbearably painful.

  • 15

    It's sickening when you love someone who doesn't care about you.

  • 16

    Unrequited love is extremely inferior to mutual love.

  • 17

    Don't be crazy about someone who doesn't want you.

  • 18

    Sometimes we presume that the person we love loves us back.

  • 19

    Nothing is more painful than unrequited love.

  • 20

    Unrequited love avoids the heartache of a real relationship ending.

  • 21

    A lot of women fall for men who don't care about them.

  • 22

    Unrequited love makes people do foolish things.

  • 23

    Unrequited love can make a person go psychotic.

  • 24

    Unrequited love is more painful than how it is portrayed in literature and movies.

  • 25

    Unrequited love makes people continuously yearn for love.

  • 26

    Nothing makes one feel lonelier than unrequited love.

  • 27

    Unrequited love is one of the most painful feelings one can experience.

  • 28

    Some people can't help love someone who doesn't love them.

  • 29

    It can be exhausting to be loved by someone you don't care about.

  • 30

    The pain of unrequited love will eventually subside.

These "loving someone who doesn't love you back" quotes capture the spirit of unrequited love quite well. While it's never pleasant to be crazy about someone who doesn't care about you at all, it can also be tremendously empowering. It can teach us to love unconditionally and without attachments.

Do you have a favorite quote for loving someone who doesn't love you?