30 Quotes and Sayings on Self-esteem

Life by Cyrus

Most people spend their entire lives seeking approval from others. They don't realize that the only person whose opinion truly matters is their own self. The relationship we have with others is only a magnified reflection of the one we have with our own self. Others will treat us only as well as we treat our own selves. We hope these self-esteem quotes will inspire you to practice self-acceptance and self-love.

Here is our selection of self-appreciation quotes:

  • 1

    You must have love and affection for yourself first.

  • 2

    When you can survive on your own, you respect yourself more.

  • 3

    Never think of yourself as a victim – live life on your own terms.

  • 4

    Don't waste your time trying to be like others – you are unique.

  • 5

    You'll feel lonely if you don't like being with yourself.

  • 6

    Focus on the people who accept you.

  • 7

    Heaven is accepting and loving yourself unconditionally.

  • 8

    The most important victory is over our self.

  • 9

    Your most important love affair is with your own self.

  • 10

    Queens never accept temporary defeat as failure.

  • 11

    There's no greater accomplishment than staying true to yourself.

  • 12

    To develop confidence, believe that you already have it.

  • 13

    You need your own approval above anyone else's.

  • 14

    You can't achieve anything in life without self-love.

  • 15

    It is your right and obligation to be an individual.

  • 16

    People with low self-esteem never realize their full potential.

  • 17

    The only person whose opinion really matters is your own.

  • 18

    To be happy, you must love yourself.

  • 19

    Practice self-care because you are the greatest gift to this world.

  • 20

    Learn to value your true self, don't try to be someone else.

  • 21

    Your words and actions really do matter.

  • 22

    Learn to enjoy your own company: you are your 24/7 companion.

  • 23

    Attention-seekers have low self-esteem.

  • 24

    It's in your ability to never compromise your dignity.

  • 25

    Anger is an offshoot of insecurity, loneliness, and low self-esteem.

  • 26

    Drug addiction can completely shatter your self-esteem.

  • 27

    To build self-esteem, you must celebrate your successes.

  • 28

    Obesity can shatter a person's self-esteem.

  • 29

    Don't make your self-esteem dependent upon others' approval.

  • 30

    Teenagers usually don't have very high self-esteem.

These self-esteem quotes show us that we should focus more on what we think about own self rather than on what others think about us. Someone else's opinion of us doesn't matter until we start giving it the importance that it doesn't deserve.

What is your favorite self-esteem quote?