30 Quotes and Sayings on Worrying

Life by Cyrus

Worry is a negative and unproductive emotion. Worrying is an emotional response to situations and circumstances. Most people believe that their worries are justified when they actually have nothing to do with logic and reality. We hope these quotes about worrying will help you curb this debilitating habit.

Here is our selection of worrying quotes:

  • 1

    Practice prayer instead of worry.

  • 2

    People who resort to worrying don't have enough faith in God.

  • 3

    Don't waste your time worrying – focus on living life.

  • 4

    Do your best and trust your life.

  • 5

    Worry is a terrible use of your imagination.

  • 6

    Most of the things we worry about never happen.

  • 7

    Worrying about the future makes our present miserable.

  • 8

    Worrying is far more harmful than a lack of sleep.

  • 9

    For most people, worrying is a 24/7 job.

  • 10

    Worrying won't bring any positive results.

  • 11

    Worry makes problems appear larger than they actually are.

  • 12

    A sense of purpose banishes worry.

  • 13

    Act on a problem, rather than worrying.

  • 14

    A small worry can grow into a massive negative force.

  • 15

    Focus on achievements instead of worrying, blaming, and criticizing.

  • 16

    Don't worry about the past; make your future great.

  • 17

    Worrying is unproductive and harmful for your health.

  • 18

    Worrying is a result of fearful thinking.

  • 19

    People spend more time worrying than working.

  • 20

    You shouldn't worry about dieting.

  • 21

    People worry too much about their burdens.

  • 22

    Worry, resentment, and frustration make us fatigued.

  • 23

    Don't worry about making a mistake.

  • 24

    If you have faith in God, then you don't need to worry.

  • 25

    Worrying doesn't change anything.

  • 26

    Happiness is free of worry.

  • 27

    Plan and think instead of worrying.

  • 28

    We increase our stress levels by worrying.

  • 29

    Worrying is a complete waste of time and energy.

  • 30

    Worrying doesn't help in any way.

These quotes about worrying show us that nothing good can ever come out of our worries. Worrying causes fatigue and fear. It sucks the joy out of the present moment and compels us to project negativity into the future.

Do you have a favorite quote about worrying?