30 Quotes By Great People About Missing Someone

Life by Subani

Missing someone is an overwhelming feeling. It causes one to feel emotionally incomplete. Whenever we miss someone, there is a void in the heart that can only be filled by the presence of the person we're missing.

Below are a few quotes to help you get through the hard times.

  • 1

    Missing someone makes your love for them grow.

  • 2

    Our loved ones may not be here right now, but they are always in our minds.

  • 3

    When someone you love leaves your life, there is an emptiness that can not be filled.

  • 4

    The people you miss are mostly the people you love and can never let go of.

  • 5

    Sometimes, you want to be missed as well.

  • 6

    We never stop missing those we love.

  • 7

    Losing someone puts you in an endless cycle of sadness every day.

  • 8

    Missing someone affects us both mentally and physically.

  • 9

    We miss the people we love the most.

  • 10

    Missing someone is a kind of torment.

  • 11

    When missing someone you love, even a small distance is a great obstacle.

  • 12

    Sometimes, we miss someone so much.

  • 13

    You don't just miss someone; you also miss the time you spent together.

  • 14

    We only miss the people who mean the most to us.

  • 15

    Love makes missing less hurtful.

  • 16

    Missing your loved ones is the most hurtful thing.

  • 17

    Be wise about the things you are missing.

  • 18

    Keeping yourself busy is a good way to stop missing someone.

  • 19

    We want to be missed as much as we miss someone else.

  • 20

    Don't give up on the things that matter to you the most.

  • 21

    We not only miss the people we love, but also the memories we have together.

  • 22

    Missing someone you love is something that no one can steal away from you.

  • 23

    Those we love will always be with us.

  • 24

    Sometimes, missing someone can be a stronger feeling than love itself.

  • 25

    At times, you want to let someone know how much you miss them.

  • 26

    The people we love have our hearts; when we miss them, we feel incomplete and lost.

  • 27

    Keep the people you miss in your memories.

  • 28

    We keep our love deep in our hearts.

  • 29

    It's really hard to let go of the people we miss.

  • 30

    Distance either allows you to miss someone or forget them.

Missing someone can surely cause much pain, especially if it is someone you love. However, you can overcome the feeling of missing your dear ones with proper practices.

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