30 Realistic Sayings and Quotes on Expectations

Life by Cyrus

Expectations are human emotions that a person intentionally or unintentionally associates with himself or others. However, you should never run behind a goal or desire that is unreal. Unrealistic expectations and desires ruin your happiness and drive you out of motivation. Life is a mixed experience of good and bad times, and you must understand that not all expectations can be achieved.

Read our collection of expectations quotes and learn to be realistic in life.

  • 1

    Never expect anything from others.

  • 2

    Stop expecting perfection from others if you want to like them.

  • 3

    Life becomes easy when you don't expect too much.

  • 4

    Higher expectations always lead to disappointment.

  • 5

    Not everyone has the same level of dedication.

  • 6

    Don't expect something if you don't want to get disappointed.

  • 7

    Either improve yourself or lower your expectations for your happiness.

  • 8

    Never give up on your dreams due to the expectations of others.

  • 9

    Never expect anyone to love you.

  • 10

    Expectations have a great impact on the quality of your efforts.

  • 11

    High expectations only give sorrows and disappointment.

  • 12

    Over expecting something gives unhappiness to people.

  • 13

    Expectations are the cause of your frustration.

  • 14

    Frustrated expectations cause anger.

  • 15

    Never waste your life by trying to fulfill the expectations of others.

  • 16

    You can't progress in life with negative expectations.

  • 17

    People never stop having expectations, even after disappointments.

  • 18

    Work hard to fulfill your expectations.

  • 19

    If you want to avoid disappointment, don't expect anything.

  • 20

    Expectations ruin your happiness.

  • 21

    A lot of people miss small opportunities due to their high expectations.

  • 22

    Stop idolizing others; nobody could live up to your expectations.

  • 23

    Expectations and unhappiness go hand in hand.

  • 24

    Keep your expectations low if you want to be happy.

  • 25

    Ignore the expectations if you want to find out your true potential.

  • 26

    Don't base your life on the expectations of others.

  • 27

    Realistic expectations can save you from disappointment.

  • 28

    Expectations are upcoming disappointments in your life.

  • 29

    Expectations affect your ability to prepare for unexpected events in your life.

  • 30

    Expectations create hurdles in your life.

Unrealistic expectations always end in disappointment and heartbreak. For instance, a businessperson with unrealistic sales goals faces setbacks and ends up in frustration. You have to understand that unrealistic goals and expectations are the most significant factors in ruining your inner peace.

Share these expectations quotes with your friends and help them in understanding the importance of being realistic in life.