30 Self Respect Quotes

Life by Ankita

It's only due to our self-respect that we get up in the morning, shower and work hard in our careers and businesses. When we go out with our friends and spend time with our loved ones, our self-respect is a major factor in motivating us to do it. How? When we love ourselves, we want others to love us and care for us too. We care for them because we want them to care for us in return.

However, we often find ourselves in situations where our self-respect is on the line, either our loved ones are hurting us or we need to make some work-related decision that goes against our self-respect. To help you cope with these times, we've brought you a collection of some of the best quotes to regain our self-respect.

  • 1

    The respect we have for ourselves gives us the confidence to ignore the downward pull of other people.

  • 2

    How much we respect ourselves is more important than others respecting us.

  • 3

    When we lose our self-respect, we lose the only purpose we live for.

  • 4

    Remember to not sacrifice your self-respect to please others.

  • 5

    We need internal satisfaction to do things effectively.

  • 6

    In times of failure and stress, our self-respect becomes our sole motivator.

  • 7

    Setting your boundaries is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

  • 8

    Only you have the power to decide how people treat you, no one else.

  • 9

    Self-respect pushes people beyond their perceived potential.

  • 10

    When we value what we do, we become more creative and productive.

  • 11

    We are capable of achieving anything once we love ourselves enough to go after it.

  • 12

    Setting your boundaries might lead us to conflict sometimes but it gives us internal satisfaction later on.

  • 13

    Sometimes we let go of so many of our personal desires for the sake of society but we shouldn't.

  • 14

    One can always gain his self-respect, no matter how many times he faces failures and setbacks.

  • 15

    It's difficult standing up for your self-respect but it leads to self-fulfillment later on.

  • 16

    Self-respect allows us to love our lives no matter how flawed it is.

  • 17

    Once we can believe that we can have something then getting it, in reality, becomes easy.

  • 18

    Sometimes, we have to let people go because they hurt our self-respect.

  • 19

    Lack of self-respect leads to nihilistic and self-harming activities like drugs.

  • 20

    We can always find people who'll not only accept us but love us for our boundaries and limitations.

  • 21

    Self-respect gives us the fuel we need to keep chasing our dreams.

  • 22

    Self-care is becoming the best version of yourself in order to give back to the world.

  • 23

    Respecting yourself gives you discipline and energy.

  • 24

    We can always find people who'll respect our boundaries.

  • 25

    When we give away our self-respect, we give away our happiness.

  • 26

    Do not let others treat you like an option, walk away if they do.

  • 27

    Once you know that you're truly worthy, then people will be inclined to respect you.

  • 28

    Self-respect makes us non-vulnerable in a society where everyone is vulnerable.

  • 29

    Once you love and respect yourself, you won't have to seek worthiness from society.

  • 30

    People cannot ignore a person who sets boundaries around themselves.

We hope these self-respect quotes have aroused a curiosity in you and you are now questioning the situation you're in. Think deeply of every incident where people have tried to walk all over you; mostly you'll find that you didn't set boundaries or you gave too much of yourself to them. It's okay if that's ever happened because now you know the importance of self-respect and you'll be setting boundaries for yourself that no one, no matter how rich, beautiful or important can cross.

Remember, we came up with these quotes on self-respect after making sure each one of them is unique, inspiring or from a great personality so that you can learn and apply their lessons to your lives.