30 Strange Quotes and Sayings

Life by Cyrus

Life on planet earth is very strange. Just when we think we have decoded the mysteries of existence, newer and more mind-boggling secrets appear in front of us. These strange quotes discuss everything that is weird or odd in or about our lives.

Here is our selection of strange captions.

  • 1

    The universe seems to have a hand in the meeting of souls.

  • 2

    No one should ever be in a place where they aren't appreciated.

  • 3

    With time, we learn to be more patient.

  • 4

    Life often turns out to be stranger than our initial conceptions of it.

  • 5

    People often make things more complicated while trying to hide their feelings.

  • 6

    Unnatural and strange things have a very unique aura about them.

  • 7

    The price of freedom can be loneliness.

  • 8

    Diseases are given really odd names.

  • 9

    Life is full of mysteries and strange things.

  • 10

    Change is inevitable.

  • 11

    Reality holds mysteries fiction can never express.

  • 12

    Philosophers uncover strange and unbelievable things.

  • 13

    We often appear strange to people we don't connect with.

  • 14

    Every day has mysteries waiting to be discovered.

  • 15

    It is difficult to comprehend the mysteries of this planet.

  • 16

    Trust God - he certainly has faith in you.

  • 17

    A good writer knows how to express the familiar and the strange.

  • 18

    It's a joyous but strange world.

  • 19

    With time, a mystifying place can become ordinary.

  • 20

    All beautiful things appeal with an aura of strangeness.

  • 21

    Strangeness is what drives one's desire for knowledge.

  • 22

    Real life is stranger than words can express.

  • 23

    No work of fiction is nearly as strange as the truth.

  • 24

    Everything wonderful is always a little strange.

  • 25

    Both time and life are extremely mysterious phenomenons.

  • 26

    The Universe is much stranger than we can ever imagine.

  • 27

    We tend to justify our mistakes more than our values.

  • 28

    Lobsters are the epitome of everything strange.

  • 29

    You are in control of how your love life unfolds.

  • 30

    Sometimes, things start appearing strange when they become too familiar.

These strange quotes show us how life itself is a very odd phenomenon. It is so complex and strange that no one can ever find all the answers to the mysteries of existence. Mystery is an essential part of life on earth. If you aren't noticing odd things on a daily basis, then you aren't observing keenly enough.

We hope you enjoyed our collection of weird quotes.