30 Strong Man Quotes and Sayings

Life by Cyrus

The masculine energy represents strength, determination, purposefulness, and decisiveness. Hence a strong man is usually assertive, direct, confident, and proactive. However, strength is something that must be built by choice. These strong man quotes illustrate the fact that a powerful man recognizes his power. He will do whatever it takes to turn his dreams into reality and protect his family under all circumstances.

Here is our selection of strong men quotes.

  • 1

    A strong man has perfect control over his impulses and perceptions.

  • 2

    It's much harder to bear a child's sob than a strong man's wrath.

  • 3

    Strength, even with flaws, always trumps weakness.

  • 4

    A strong man will never allow others to treat him poorly.

  • 5

    A strong country is built on the shoulders of strong men.

  • 6

    Some men are strong but cool-headed like gorillas.

  • 7

    A strong man and a strong woman give strength to each other.

  • 8

    A strong man treats his family as his highest priority.

  • 9

    Strong men create opportunities while the weak ones wait for them.

  • 10

    Pray to become strong enough to overcome all adversities of life.

  • 11

    Only a strong man resonates with a strong woman.

  • 12

    A real woman knows the strength and weaknesses of her man.

  • 13

    There is always a strong woman behind a strong man.

  • 14

    Strong men never compromise.

  • 15

    It takes great strength to own and fix one's mistakes.

  • 16

    Strength is revealed in the midst of challenges.

  • 17

    A strong successful man knows that he is in charge of his destiny.

  • 18

    Strong men always stand for what's just and true.

  • 19

    A strong man builds his strength upon powerful beliefs.

  • 20

    A strong man doesn't hold grudges.

  • 21

    To be strong, a man needs to have patience.

  • 22

    The strong shouldn't be weakened to highlight the weak.

  • 23

    It's deplorable to condemn a man for his strength and success.

  • 24

    Some women don't care whether a man is strong or weak.

  • 25

    Good strong men are becoming a rare species these days.

  • 26

    A weak man becomes strong when he realizes he has nothing left to lose.

  • 27

    Strong men prioritize their duties over their needs.

  • 28

    Strength is honed in isolation.

  • 29

    It is painful to watch a strong man have a breakdown.

  • 30

    A strong man is devoted to his wife and family.

These strong man quotes show us that a strong man is never created by chance. He is never a victim of his circumstances but the architect of his destiny. These men don't just care about themselves but also for their families, community, country, and the world at large.

Do you have any favorite strong boy quotes?