30 Thought-provoking Obedience Quotes

Life by Ankita

In order to lead, we must first learn to obey. A life of virtue is one that is lived in obedience to the highest principles of truth and virtue. We hope these obedience quotes will inspire you to abide by the truth and do what's right under all circumstances.

Here is our selection of quotes about obedience.

  • 1

    It's not fun to live completely by the book.

  • 2

    Obedience should be inspired by love and not by fear.

  • 3

    Don't follow someone else's commands; listen only to yourself.

  • 4

    By obeying the truth, we become liberated.

  • 5

    Real men are obedient.

  • 6

    We must obey God under all circumstances.

  • 7

    God does not want us to be submissive to tyrants.

  • 8

    God is always with the humble and obedient.

  • 9

    Being righteous is more important than being religious.

  • 10

    Faith empowers us to remain obedient to God.

  • 11

    Don't obey anyone without questioning it.

  • 12

    Those who can't become rulers must learn to obey.

  • 13

    Success and security come from obedience.

  • 14

    A disciple must be obedient to his master.

  • 15

    By obeying your superiors, you set a good example for your inferiors.

  • 16

    Some people put on a facade of obedience.

  • 17

    Only those who don't follow the rules are truly free.

  • 18

    No one deserves our trust and obedience more than God.

  • 19

    We please God by obeying him.

  • 20

    Integrity is what stands between knowing the truth and obedience.

  • 21

    The truth and one's obedience to it should always go hand-in-hand.

  • 22

    Obedience helps us become mature.

  • 23

    We find peace by retaining our faith in God and obeying him.

  • 24

    Teach your child to be obedient first.

  • 25

    Obedience means doing what's right under all circumstances.

  • 26

    Great people fully understand the meaning of obedience.

  • 27

    Being a leader is harder than being a follower.

  • 28

    Abide by the truth and the justice system.

  • 29

    Great men in history have ignored unfair laws.

  • 30

    We're not given a choice when it comes to abiding by the law.

These obedience quotes show us how important it is to remain relentless in our pursuit of truth and divinity. By obeying God, we can gain any level of abundance and fortune. Sometimes it's okay to not obey our leaders and their laws, especially if what they are doing is unjust. In fact, under such circumstances, it is our foremost duty to be disobedient.

We hope you enjoyed our collection of quotes on obedience.