30 Thought-provoking Quotes About Pressure

Life by Ankita

Pressure can be a good or bad thing, depending upon your attitude. Winners ramp up their game when they are subjected to pressure. Losers, on the other hand, succumb to pressure by throwing in the towel. You can either allow pressure to break you, or you can use it to become stronger. We hope these quotes about pressure will inspire you to use pressure for your benefit.

Here is our selection of pressure quotes.

  • 1

    Pressure can help you realize your true potential.

  • 2

    Pressure can be positive.

  • 3

    Train yourself to enjoy working under pressure.

  • 4

    You'll face less pressure by being better prepared.

  • 5

    Pressure provides the best opportunity for growth.

  • 6

    Success depends upon how you handle pressure.

  • 7

    Those who are alone are free from peer pressure.

  • 8

    Don't let others pressure you into being someone else.

  • 9

    Most people succumb to peer pressure.

  • 10

    Artists face industry pressure.

  • 11

    Footballers should master the art of performing under pressure.

  • 12

    We feel pressure when we are unsure of ourselves.

  • 13

    Embrace pressure instead of resisting it.

  • 14

    Wisdom is acquired under pressure to grow.

  • 15

    Pressure is a matter of perception.

  • 16

    We feel pressured when we are resisting.

  • 17

    Pressure either inspires effort or creates excuses.

  • 18

    To reduce pressure, focus on your skills and abilities.

  • 19

    Some people are paralyzed under pressure.

  • 20

    Procrastination creates unnecessary pressure.

  • 21

    Even the strongest people can succumb under pressure.

  • 22

    Crying helps us feel lighter.

  • 23

    People work faster under pressure.

  • 24

    There is pressure to enjoy yourself on holidays.

  • 25

    Some people love to work under pressure.

  • 26

    We can perform surprising feats under pressure.

  • 27

    Winners are not afraid of pressure and challenges.

  • 28

    Your character is revealed by decisions made under pressure.

  • 29

    Under pressure, your true self is revealed.

  • 30

    The choices we make under pressure define our character.

These quotes about pressure show us that pressure can be a good thing if you know how to handle it well. Use it to your advantage by becoming more focused on performing better. Keep your emotions under check as nothing is more critical for success than emotional control.

Do you have any favorite funny quotes about pressure?