30 When People Let You Down Quotes

Life by Cyrus

When we expect too much, we are likely to be disappointed. It is important to not depend too much on anyone or anything for our happiness. Life is transitory and unpredictable. Things can change in the flash of a second. We hope these "people let you down" quotes will inspire you to become more firmly rooted in your own self, because everything and everyone else may eventually disappoint you.

Here is our selection of "when people let you down" quotes.

  • 1

    Sometimes people are just pretending to not let you down.

  • 2

    We've all been let down by others at some point.

  • 3

    Stand up for yourself by pursuing your dreams.

  • 4

    Your loved ones are likely to disappoint you more.

  • 5

    Don't expect too much from others.

  • 6

    Dancing is all about letting your guard down.

  • 7

    Our generation has made life difficult for our future generations.

  • 8

    A true leader doesn't let their people down.

  • 9

    Save yourself disappointment: don't expect too much.

  • 10

    It's good if you have never felt let down by anyone.

  • 11

    It's natural to be cautious when you feel others want something from you.

  • 12

    Trust yourself more than anyone else.

  • 13

    Many people have high expectations of themselves.

  • 14

    Sometimes people feel let down by their spirit guides.

  • 15

    We disappoint the world just as much as it disappoints us.

  • 16

    Sometimes we feel extremely let down by others.

  • 17

    When you're let down by humans, you learn to rely only on God.

  • 18

    You need to retain your faith in humanity, no matter what.

  • 19

    Marriage can be disappointing for both men and women.

  • 20

    Experiencing disappointment can make you stronger.

  • 21

    Accept temporary defeat, but never abandon hope.

  • 22

    The road to success is never a smooth one.

  • 23

    Loving deeply makes you vulnerable to disappointment.

  • 24

    Keep marching ahead even in the face of failure.

  • 25

    Every disappointment teaches you something important.

  • 26

    To avoid disappointment, never become involved in just one thing.

  • 27

    Expectation is the root cause of all disappointment.

  • 28

    Expressing disappointment is easier than articulating love.

  • 29

    We can choose to handle disappointments with maturity and strength.

  • 30

    A life of mediocrity is going to cause disappointment.

These "people let you down" quotes show us that self-reliance is the best defense against disappointment in life. Trust your own self more than anyone else. If you can trust that you'll be able to handle anything that comes your way, then you're surely never going to be disappointed in life.

We hope you enjoyed our collection of let down quotes.