30 Wisdom Quotes That Might Change Your Life

Life by Cyrus

Wisdom is the ability to transform knowledge into good judgment and excellent discernment. Just like the honey bee gathers nectar from the plant kingdom, the wise amongst us focus on choosing the best from the smorgasbord of life.

May these wisdom quotes inspire you to embrace all the lessons that life presents to you and turn them into something beautiful.

  • 1

    Nature never hurries, yet all her tasks are accomplished – learn from Nature.

  • 2

    Our 'reality' is shaped by the quality of our thoughts – think positive.

  • 3

    If you know nothing, you will be able to understand everything.

  • 4

    Educated people can accommodate a different point of view from others.

  • 5

    Use your painful life experiences to become a better person.

  • 6

    When you have a reason for living, you can bear anything.

  • 7

    It is better to be silent in the company of fools.

  • 8

    Stillness and calmness allow us to develop wisdom.

  • 9

    Knowledge is the ingredient we need to make wisdom, the stuff of life.

  • 10

    Wisdom is sometimes letting go; knowledge is added every day.

  • 11

    Wisdom is earned by past mistakes.

  • 12

    Wisdom involves choice and priorities in life.

  • 13

    Pain compels us to change – let it be for the better.

  • 14

    Learn from other people's mistakes.

  • 15

    It's not worth explaining your reasons or perspective for everyone.

  • 16

    The only person who can change your life is you.

  • 17

    Never let fear hold you back in life.

  • 18

    Just take one step at a time when beginning a long journey.

  • 19

    We become who we believe we are.

  • 20

    The only thing we can change in life is our own self.

  • 21

    Knowledge is of no use if we don't know how to apply it.

  • 22

    The accumulation of knowledge doesn't guarantee the development of wisdom.

  • 23

    Wise people listen keenly and speak only when necessary.

  • 24

    Use your time to acquire knowledge and then put that knowledge to good use.

  • 25

    You have the power to create the life you want.

  • 26

    The only person who knows you in and out is you.

  • 27

    Your perceptions are what matters.

  • 28

    If you believe in yourself, then you can believe in others.

  • 29

    We must be careful with how we spend our time and energy.

  • 30

    Wisdom will be acquired with intention and purpose.

These words of wisdom teach us that life is not what we are given, but what we make of it. A wise person believes in himself whether anyone else does or not. He chooses to dance in the rain instead of waiting for the storm to pass.

We hope these wisdom quotes have inspired you to believe in the beauty of life. Never forget that, at the end of the day, life is what you make it.