30 Workout Quotes and Sayings

Life by Cyrus

Nothing more important in life than health. In order to maintain good health, we must eat healthily and exercise regularly. There is no short-cut to health. We have to do the hard work every day in order to be rewarded with a long and healthy life. We hope these workout quotes will inspire you to exercise regularly.

Here is our selection of working out quotes:

  • 1

    Champions are willing to go the extra mile.

  • 2

    You must exercise to build strength – there are no alternatives.

  • 3

    Exercise is essential for maintaining good health.

  • 4

    When it comes to fitness, strive to become a better version of yourself.

  • 5

    Your body is your real home – take care of it.

  • 6

    Both exercise and nutrition are essential for maintaining good health.

  • 7

    Endless hours of training will make you a champion.

  • 8

    The more you increase your pain threshold, the stronger you become.

  • 9

    Physical endurance comes from mental strength.

  • 10

    Be patient when trying to get in shape.

  • 11

    Exercising brings pain, but there's no better choice.

  • 12

    There is an urgent need for people to become stronger.

  • 13

    Physical and mental health go hand-in-hand.

  • 14

    Health is the most important thing in life.

  • 15

    Exercise is work that energizes you.

  • 16

    Reading is essential for maintaining a healthy mind.

  • 17

    Joggers never tend to look happy.

  • 18

    With practice, you'll develop good muscle memory.

  • 19

    It's essential to be in good shape.

  • 20

    Dancing is an excellent form of exercise.

  • 21

    Champions need not only physical training but also a desire.

  • 22

    Try your best to be a person that others are jealous of.

  • 23

    Get rid of those fat rolls.

  • 24

    The real battle lies in the daily hustle.

  • 25

    The pain won't last long; keep working out.

  • 26

    You need to train both your body and mind.

  • 27

    Exercise is excellent for boosting your mood and energy levels.

  • 28

    It's important to be physically active, even if you don't go to the gym.

  • 29

    By making your body stronger, you can increase your self-confidence.

  • 30

    Working out isn't easy, but it's extremely rewarding.

These workout quotes show us that mental and physical strength go hand-in-hand. Going to the gym or engaging in any form of physical fitness activity not only makes your body strong but also increases your mental tenacity.