50 Quotes of Encouragement That Will Keep You Going

Inspiration by Ronit Cytheria

Life has a habit of hitting us with its ups and downs. You sometimes feel down and discouraged, but don't let that be the end of your journey of trying and seeking success. Fuel your inspiration to its fullest with the following encouraging quotes. Life can be harsh, so there is no harm in starting your day with some words of encouragement for a fresh, inspiring start.

  • 1

    Dream big or don't dream at all.

  • 2

    You should choose what your mind tells you, not what your heart suggests.

  • 3

    Don't stop when it hurts; it gets better.

  • 4

    Today is a new opportunity.

  • 5

    Don't be too harsh on yourself.

  • 6

    You have more potential than you think you do.

  • 7

    No pain, no gain.

  • 8

    Keep rising as long as the sun rises.

  • 9

    Keep yourself at the top of your game.

  • 10

    Adapt yourself to new changes; they are going to happen anyway.

  • 11

    Opportunities are only visible to those who work hard.

  • 12

    Be the change you want to see.

  • 13

    Words will be just words, till you bring them to life.

  • 14

    Never stop seeking more success.

  • 15

    Remember, time heals the pain.

  • 16

    Choose your own destiny.

  • 17

    You are stronger than the pain you're feeling right now.

  • 18

    The bad events are what shape you as a person.

  • 19

    There is a bright side to every fall.

  • 20

    Don't worry, you are doing it right.

  • 21

    Have a say when it comes to your life.

  • 22

    It can be hard, but people will always understand.

  • 23

    When life knocks you down, roll over and look at the stars.

  • 24

    Listen only to words of encouragement; ignore all the rest.

  • 25

    Rain will stop, and the sun will always rise.

  • 26

    Change your mindset and always be humble.

  • 27

    It is a matter of persistence.

  • 28

    Don't forget to look at the bright side.

  • 29

    Success will automatically follow you if you keep on walking.

  • 30

    There is always hope. Even if all you see is darkness right now.

  • 31

    The falls are part of the journey. Know how to deal with them.

  • 32

    Your inner strength will show up at the right time.

  • 33

    Do not let your circumstances drown you.

  • 34

    Walk on your enemies.

  • 35

    Take it one step at a time. Just let it take its time.

  • 36

    Remind yourself that you've been through a lot; don't let your efforts be in vain.

  • 37

    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger; it makes you a fighter.

  • 38

    Do not let anyone stand in the way of your success.

  • 39

    Seize your opportunities.

  • 40

    As long as you did your best, rest assured that you're more than enough.

  • 41

    Upgrade your self-esteem game.

  • 42

    Your future is holding surprises for you.

  • 43

    All stories have some sad scenes; it doesn't mean that the end is tragic.

  • 44

    You deserve to achieve your dreams, you deserve happiness.

  • 45

    This is what makes life exciting.

  • 46

    Making mistakes is part of the equation.

  • 47

    Hang in there, it gets better.

  • 48

    What's the harm in trying your best?

  • 49

    No one said life was fair, but it's doable.

  • 50

    Worrying about things consumes your energy. Stop it and focus on what can actually be done.

The encouraging quotations above are a collection of words of wisdom of successful people who know the truth behind success. It is all about trying, failing, and then trying again. You will get there eventually, believe it.