Best Illusion Quotes That Will Intrigue You

Inspiration by Ronit Cytheria

Illusion is an entertaining concept. It is in all parts of our lives, whether we want it or not. Sometimes illusion can be necessary; and sometimes, things are better off without illusion. Enjoy the following quotes on illusion and learn more about it and when it needs to be used.

  • 1

    Illusion adds excitement to a dull life. It's sad without it.

  • 2

    Illusion is a pleasurable matter.

  • 3

    Illusion fills the empty cracks.

  • 4

    Illusion can cause communication problems.

  • 5

    We shall run from reality to perfect illusion.

  • 6

    Reality is hard to find in the world of illusion.

  • 7

    Times of past and future are works of illusion.

  • 8

    The need for illusion can be critical.

  • 9

    Simply, science is the opposite of illusion.

  • 10

    Illusions can be always replaced and refreshed.

  • 11

    When you use illusion, it becomes a part of who you are.

  • 12

    Illusion is the string that keeps everything connected.

  • 13

    The one thing connecting parts of time together is illusion.

  • 14

    Illusions are good coping mechanisms.

  • 15

    Long-lasting traditions are illusions.

  • 16

    Knowledge can be illusional.

  • 17

    We all build comforting illusions that we try to preserve.

  • 18

    Limits are not real; they're illusions.

  • 19

    True souls cannot be covered with illusions.

  • 20

    There are still some real things in a world of illusion.

  • 21

    You can't make an illusion if you don't know what's real.

  • 22

    Illusion is part of different fields of study.

  • 23

    Through experience, you find reality and lose illusion.

  • 24

    There is no reality if illusion doesn't exist.

  • 25

    Truly beautiful things are beautiful without the need for illusion.

The above listed illusion quotes must have explained to you the two major opinions on illusion. Some think that we need illusion in our lives to survive; some believe that being true and honest is better. What do you think?