Kindness - a Simple Act

Life by Cyrus

Did you know that there is such a thing as World Kindness Day! Well, we didn't until we started researching different kindness quotes. Why do we need a world kindness day? Does that mean we can't be kind naturally anymore or that for 364 days of the year we should be unkind? Well, take a look at the quotes we found and think about how kind you are on a daily basis.

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    Being kind should be second nature to us.

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    Being kind is something that should just be a part of us.

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    Being kind creates a sense of community.

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    We never seem to have enough time to be kind.

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    Everyone appreciates a little kindness when having a bad day.

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    We need to be kind to ourselves first.

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    Kindness quotes usually look at how kindness makes us a better person.

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    The best kind of person is the one who is kind to people.

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    Every little act of kindness we do has a great effect on others.

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    Quotes on kindness sometimes come from people you least expect.

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    We can spread kindness as we are, it doesn't take much.

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    When we do a good deed, we feel pride and happiness.

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    When we are kind, we feel good about ourselves.

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    The feeling you get from an act of kindness is unforgettable.

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    This quote about kindness shows what we earn through being kind.

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    When you do a kind act then you feel energized to do more.

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    Kindness quotes come from many sources, even a world-famous pop star.

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    A quote that shows how being kind brings out the best in people.

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    An act of kindness towards someone makes that person more likely to be kind.

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    Being kind shows intelligence.

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    Being kind to someone can create a ripple that could accomplish a whole lot.

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    You should always treat people in the same way.

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    Kindness quotes can be short and to the point.

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    It is important to always remember when someone is kind.

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    You don't have to like the person to be kind to them.

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    You should never expect kindness in return.

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    Unfortunately, this quote about kindness is very true.

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    Kindness makes us smile.

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    People are truly more beautiful when they are kind.

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    Any form of kindness makes you beautiful.

Kindness is something that costs nothing but means everything. Everyone deserves a little kindness, as these kindness quotes suggest.