Our Favorite 30 Quotes About Waiting

Life by Cyrus

Human life can be full of waiting - we endure tiring and unpleasant times because we know something special can happen. However, while waiting seems long and unpleasant, at the end of it all, it makes the journey worthwhile. While you wait for that eventful day to come, we have an assortment of waiting quotes for you to scroll over.

These are our thirty favorite quotes about waiting.

  • 1

    The right moment with the right person deserves our wait.

  • 2

    Time seems to move slowly when you're waiting for something.

  • 3

    Sometimes we all need a push to get ahead.

  • 4

    Maybe it's time to stop.

  • 5

    Learn to enjoy your life.

  • 6

    Only true love will wait for us despite everything else.

  • 7

    A man's virtue is tested when they have nothing.

  • 8

    Be a go-getter. Try to make things happen.

  • 9

    Patience and kindness are always rewarded in life.

  • 10

    Live in the present and take action now.

  • 11

    How long you wait for something or someone shows how important it is.

  • 12

    Real love can withstand all kinds of obstacles.

  • 13

    You can't start new until you've gotten rid of the old.

  • 14

    The harsh truth is sometimes needed.

  • 15

    Love and cherish yourself each and every day.

  • 16

    Sometimes the wait is just not worth it.

  • 17

    You are at your most vulnerable when you wait.

  • 18

    Make the first move. It might be worth it.

  • 19

    We dream of something or someone and wait for the waiting to end.

  • 20

    Waiting is inevitable. It's a part of life.

  • 21

    Enjoy the life you have now.

  • 22

    Sometimes, waiting for so long can make you lose yourself.

  • 23

    Timing is important, so wait for the right time to do the right thing.

  • 24

    It's hard to wait for someone who doesn't feel the same way about you.

  • 25

    Don't just sit around doing nothing. If you want it, work for it.

  • 26

    You might lose it all if you keep waiting.

  • 27

    Sometimes you worry so much about life that it seems to pass you by.

  • 28

    You are your own hero. Own up to yourself.

  • 29

    You don't need a reason to wait for someone.

  • 30

    All in all, it is important to live in the moment.

These are some of our favorite quotes about waiting. Waiting is a fundamental part of our lives, and we all experience waiting some time during our lives.

While you wait, we hope our waiting quotes kept you company. Whichever way we perceive it, it's important for us not to lose our calm while we wait. Sometimes the wait is useless, but other times, it really is worth it.