These Messed Up Quotes Will Help You to Come Out of Depression

Life by Ronit Cytheria

Life is a journey, and it's imprudent to think that it will go smoothly forever. These messed up quotes will let you know about the ups and downs of life. From these so-called "my life is mess up quotes," you can learn how to get things straight when you face a tough situation in life.

  • 1

    Taking lessons from mess ups is essential.

  • 2

    Things might get messed up, but never give up on your family.

  • 3

    Mess ups are normal and so should be accepted normally.

  • 4

    Don't mess your life up by trying to please others.

  • 5

    Being in a messed-up situation doesn't prove you're lost.

  • 6

    Surrounding yourself with the wrong company might mess up your life.

  • 7

    Learn to forgive people when they mess up.

  • 8

    Don't let your past mess up your present.

  • 9

    Don't forget that mess ups are unintentional.

  • 10

    Drug abuse will mess up your life.

  • 11

    Don't lose your confidence, even when your life is messed up.

  • 12

    Messing up in life will strengthen your bond with religion.

  • 13

    It's unwise to be afraid of mess-ups and not enjoy life.

  • 14

    Don't blame others for your own mess ups.

  • 15

    Taking advice from the wrong people will mess your life up.

  • 16

    Some people find brutal fun in seeing others' mess-ups.

  • 17

    Mothers never give up on their children, regardless of the mess-ups.

  • 18

    It's irrational to think that all comedians are messed up.

  • 19

    Some performers find joy in playing the role of a messed-up character.

  • 20

    The justification for going to war is messed up.

  • 21

    Don't let your life stop because of yesterday's mess ups.

  • 22

    It's impossible to control the mess ups of human beings.

  • 23

    Giving a second chance after a mess up is important.

  • 24

    Be confident to feel optimistic even after mess ups.

  • 25

    Don't let mess ups stop you from thinking ethically.

Everyone faces bad times in life. That doesn't mean you need to lose hope, and these messed up quotes clearly point that out. We hope that these fucked up quotes will help you to find the confidence and courage to have a better future, no matter how hard the present is.