Top 20 Quotes About Earrings

Life by Cyrus

Earrings have always been seen as an exquisite complement to feminine beauty. With a rich history of glamour behind the adorning of earrings and other jewelry, it is not inconceivable to find men intrigued about earrings as well. Here are some of the top 20 quotes about earrings that would rekindle your love for these accessories.

  • 1

    There is something about earrings that bring out a woman's beauty.

  • 2

    Stay classy; you don't want to overdo it.

  • 3

    The simplest acts can restore faith in humanity.

  • 4

    Be contented with what you have.

  • 5

    Choose to make an impact on others.

  • 6

    Sticking to your personal style is more fulfilling than changing to suit the desires of others.

  • 7

    You will willingly conform when you love someone.

  • 8

    It doesn't matter what everyone else thinks. It's what you and your supporters think of you that matters.

  • 9

    No one fancies getting old.

  • 10

    Certain experiences in life are only be best described by those who've experienced it.

  • 11

    Direct your energy on things that count.

  • 12

    Mix and match. Bend the rules a little.

  • 13

    When you escape the traditional norms and embrace change, you will enjoy the beauty of a new beginning.

  • 14

    Stay light-hearted; there's no need to be serious all the time.

  • 15

    Turn your passion into a full-time job and you'll never look back.

  • 16

    Exude confidence in the choices that you make.

  • 17

    Don't be shy to break out from the mold.

  • 18

    What we associate with other people will always remind us of their legacies.

  • 19

    Jewelry is the epitome of fashion.

  • 20

    Don't strive to rid someone of their integrity.

Earrings, like all other forms of jewellery, should be adorned with consideration. Exude confidence and style when your earrings complement your outfits and bring them up a notch. Be iconic, be seen and spotted - make a statement.