Top 25 Manipulative People Quotes

Life by Cyrus

Manipulation comes in different shapes and forms. It could be relieving or destructive; there is no in-between. But most likely manipulation hurts since it is kind of covering the truth with twisted lies. Read the following manipulator quotes to help you spot them in the future.

  • 1

    Not all you believe in is facts; it could be manipulated.

  • 2

    Witty manipulation is the beginning of the end.

  • 3

    The powerful are shaping modern manipulation.

  • 4

    Some people justify manipulation.

  • 5

    Manipulative people work with their words.

  • 6

    Some manipulative people go unnoticed.

  • 7

    Manipulation is a matter of intent.

  • 8

    Some manipulators manipulate manipulation itself.

  • 9

    No matter how close the manipulator is to you, you'll want to cut the connection.

  • 10

    Some people manipulate for a living.

  • 11

    People of power and world leaders are the essence of manipulation.

  • 12

    Manipulators won't take the blame.

  • 13

    Manipulation hurts and takes from you what you want.

  • 14

    Manipulation comes in different forms for different people.

  • 15

    Everyone can be a manipulator.

  • 16

    Love is a dangerous manipulative game.

  • 17

    Manipulation gets very complicated.

  • 18

    Manipulation is easy to afford.

  • 19

    People have to stand for themselves against manipulation.

  • 20

    Manipulative people enjoy manipulation to the extreme.

  • 21

    Life includes manipulation.

  • 22

    Some manipulation ought to be illegal.

  • 23

    Nothing good comes out of manipulation.

  • 24

    The start of manipulation is controversial.

  • 25

    You decide how people treat you by whether you manipulate them or not.

The above mentioned manipulative people quotes will help you avoid a manipulator next time you see some of their traits that checked the list of manipulation. It's unhealthy to tolerate a manipulator; so, make your stand against it.