Top 25 Opportunity Quotes

Life by Cyrus

Opportunities are like blessings that knock your door and wait for you, to either accept or let it go. It is all about wisdom and maturity that makes you recognize those opportunities that come your way. People talk a lot about opportunities.

Here are 25 of the best opportunity quotes by renowned personalities that are worth reading. These quotes about opportunities will strengthen your faith in this blessing. Read them and feel the passion coming your way.

  • 1

    Pursuing your wishes reflects on your personality.

  • 2

    Change is a stimulus for an opportunity that needs a response to succeeding.

  • 3

    Opportunities are the rewards of your hard work.

  • 4

    Opportunities come along with new experiences.

  • 5

    If things are not working for you, use your own circumstances to craft a road.

  • 6

    Work shirkers consider opportunities as hard work that is unapproachable.

  • 7

    Nature only helps those who show a will to help themselves.

  • 8

    Opportunities are all about that one right move in the right direction.

  • 9

    Don't lose hope. Every new day is an opportunity for you.

  • 10

    It is your opportunity to avail of something big out of your situation.

  • 11

    Your perception is key. There are always two sides to a coin.

  • 12

    Breaks can lead to new opportunities.

  • 13

    Life is full of new ventures and opportunities.

  • 14

    Every opportunity that comes your way brings new responsibilities.

  • 15

    For those who believe in hard work consider it an opportunity.

  • 16

    Society symbolizes those opportunities taken in the right way.

  • 17

    A wise man knows opportunities come with hard work, not with complaints.

  • 18

    It is only one opportunity in a blue moon to do it right.

  • 19

    You need to move through the worst and wait for the opportunity.

  • 20

    using your intellect is also a form of an opportunity to mend your ways.

  • 21

    When you work hard, opportunity comes your way.

  • 22

    Every moment is a new opportunity to make a choice between love or fear.

  • 23

    Always speak good about others in their absence.

  • 24

    When you have the opportunity in your hand, try to do good.

  • 25

    Always be ready for responding to the opportunities that come your way.

Opportunities never come to those who just sit and wait for them. Rather they are synonymous with hard work and never quitting spirits who stand against the odds and prove their strength. Every new day is a new opportunity for those who know how to make the most out of the worse. To grow yourself and raise your level of wisdom to recognize the true opportunities and avail them on time.