Top 25 Starting Over Quotes

Inspiration by Ronit Cytheria

The beginning of all the processes we go through in our lives is a very significant point. However, starting over can actually be the moment that changes the direction of your life. Sometimes all you need is just to start over. Enjoy the following quotes about starting over.

  • 1

    To start over, you need to put your pride aside.

  • 2

    A start over can be so worthwhile.

  • 3

    It is not so easy to start over.

  • 4

    Starting over is a part of the process.

  • 5

    Starting over can be the beginning of the road to a new goal.

  • 6

    Even this moment can be your starting over point.

  • 7

    With every sunrise, you can start over.

  • 8

    Starting over can happen at any time you desire.

  • 9

    Make your start over full of value.

  • 10

    Start over when the road doesn't feel right anymore.

  • 11

    A new start can be all you need.

  • 12

    Start over before you miss the life you should be living.

  • 13

    Start over or you're doing nothing.

  • 14

    Don't wait for what's next; start over now.

  • 15

    It's not wrong to start over.

  • 16

    Start over instead of breaking down.

  • 17

    To start over, you first need to end your current attempt.

  • 18

    Even our lives are starting over every day.

  • 19

    It's always your choice to start over or not.

  • 20

    It's sometimes better to start over with everything.

  • 21

    Start over whenever you fail; it's your new chance.

  • 22

    Experience the thrill of starting over.

  • 23

    Not starting at all is worse than starting over.

  • 24

    If you have the desire, you have a chance to start over.

  • 25

    Starting over can be its own journey.

The above starting over quotes are a collection of motivating statements that should motivate you to start over when you think the road you are taking is not going anywhere. Make a change in your life by starting over; maybe you missed something along the way.