Top 28 Light and Shadow Art Quotes

Inspiration by Ankita

Light and shadow are two aspects of our lives that go hand in hand. Like a rollercoaster, we have our good times and bad. To really appreciate the good things in life, we must go through the bad. Here's our assortment of the top 28 light and shadow quotes that capture this duality beautifully.

  • 1

    Everything in life is beautiful.

  • 2

    We are often too pessimistic we fail to see all the beauty and light.

  • 3

    Life is beautiful for its duality.

  • 4

    Light thrives with darkness.

  • 5

    We can all choose to be hopeful or not.

  • 6

    Pay attention to the things that may seem less attractive.

  • 7

    Both the good and bad in life can help you grow

  • 8

    We choose our paths in life.

  • 9

    The universe is a mystery.

  • 10

    Always focus on the positive.

  • 11

    Every beautiful thing has its flaws.

  • 12

    Light and darkness work in sync to yield infinite results.

  • 13

    Great people are super charismatic and influential.

  • 14

    Our dark, repressed sides can never be truly erased.

  • 15

    Light embodies depth, darkness, shallowness.

  • 16

    The stronger the light, the darker the shadow.

  • 17

    Light and darkness can never be separated.

  • 18

    When there is light, there is always a shadow.

  • 19

    Even a small light has infinite power over darkness.

  • 20

    Don't stand in your own way.

  • 21

    It's easy to attract false friends when you are doing well.

  • 22

    Don't deny the repressed sides of life.

  • 23

    The relationship between light and shadow is similar to that between life and death.

  • 24

    Treat yourself with deep respect.

  • 25

    Appreciate both your good times and bad.

  • 26

    Only through the darkness can we appreciate the light.

  • 27

    Only the light can drive away the darkness.

  • 28

    Every light casts a shadow.

We hope you enjoyed our assortment of the top 28 quotes on light and shadow. We choose to be in the light always but often forget that with every light comes a shadow. However, do not be afraid of the shadows since it's just a reminder that there's a light somewhere very close.