Top 30 Having Children Quotes

Family by Cyrus

Having kids is no small feat. It takes a tremendous amount of patience and perseverance when raising a child. But, in the end, it's worth seeing a smile on your baby's face and the knowledge that you've done your best to raise a wonderful human being.

We've picked out a list of the top 30 having kids quotes that denote how hard but wonderful having babies is.

  • 1

    Just giving birth doesn't make you a parent.

  • 2

    Children are extremely honest about everything.

  • 3

    The best part of having children is raising them.

  • 4

    Never underestimate the power of fairy tales.

  • 5

    Children make your sorrows disappear.

  • 6

    Parenthood is harder than you think.

  • 7

    Good parents teach their children how to dream.

  • 8

    Focus on the present.

  • 9

    You can't postpone your child's duties.

  • 10

    Kids are the center of your universe.

  • 11

    Having kids helps you look forward to the future.

  • 12

    You learn so much from your children.

  • 13

    Your career doesn't need to stop just because you had kids.

  • 14

    Having a baby is a tremendous feat.

  • 15

    Having children is living beyond yourself.

  • 16

    Children learn most by your actions.

  • 17

    Having a child is one of the best jobs ever.

  • 18

    Children test your patience.

  • 19

    You need some time alone with your child.

  • 20

    Your child is more precious than your own life.

  • 21

    Children help us grow up.

  • 22

    You start thinking about your baby more than yourself.

  • 23

    You find the meaning of your life when you have kids.

  • 24

    Good parents pass on a good character to their children.

  • 25

    We make the best memories with our kids.

  • 26

    Say goodbye to luxuries such as sleep.

  • 27

    Your child will always have your heart.

  • 28

    Let your children live by their own rules.

  • 29

    The thought of having children is terrible until you have them.

  • 30

    Having kids gives you a new perspective on life.

We hope you enjoyed the top 30 my children quotes. Having children and raising them is extremely difficult, but one that gives a whole new perspective to life. Being a parent is a wonderful feeling and is one that must be experienced by all.