Top 30 You Mean The World To Me Quotes

Love by Cyrus

Loving the right person can transform our lives for the better. They listen to you, they heal your sorrows and slowly, but surely, they become the center of your universe. We've compiled the top 30 "you mean the world to me" quotes that capture the feeling you have for your partner when you're in love.

  • 1

    You have been and will always be the reason for my happiness.

  • 2

    You make me happy and blessed with all goodly virtues.

  • 3

    To me, you are everything good.

  • 4

    You mean so much to me.

  • 5

    You mean the world to me and I will love you forever.

  • 6

    You are my world.

  • 7

    How did I live without you? I love you so much.

  • 8

    I choose you. You are the world to me.

  • 9

    My love for you knows no bounds - you complete me.

  • 10

    For me, you are everything.

  • 11

    You're truly special to me

  • 12

    If only you could see how much you mean to me.

  • 13

    You are everything in my life.

  • 14

    Thank you for loving and tolerating me. You're the most important to me.

  • 15

    I can't live without you.

  • 16

    You matter the most to me.

  • 17

    You are a divine gift to me.

  • 18

    You are the reason I can pull through life with a smile.

  • 19

    I love you the most. You complete my life.

  • 20

    I can't express how much I love you.

  • 21

    You're all I want and need.

  • 22

    You give me a sense of direction and purpose. I love you.

  • 23

    You make everything about me beautiful.

  • 24

    Every moment with you is special to me.

  • 25

    You are my everything and bring me strength, warmth, and happiness.

  • 26

    I treasure our relationship, for you have taught me to love.

  • 27

    I want to know you fully.

  • 28

    Every heartbeat speaks your name.

  • 29

    You are my world and my life.

  • 30

    I will love you until I die.

We hope you enjoyed our compilation of the top 30 "you mean everything to me" quotes. Trying to explain how much you love someone is like counting the stars in the sky. It's simply impossible. But it's possible to let your partner know how much they mean to you every day and how much you love them.